Twitter from ASP.NET Application

This post will throw a light on how we can update our status on Twitter from an application.

The task is pretty simple as we have libraries already available on the net.

I will be using twitterizer dll to perform the task.

The following are the steps to be followed:

  1. Download the twitterizer dll from here.
  2. Add the reference to the dll in your web application.
  3. Write the code. For example
    Twitter t = new Twitter(UserName, Password);

Following are the methods and the capabilities provided by these methods which are present in the library:

User Methods

  2. Friends
  3. Follow User

Status Methods

  1. User Timeline
  2. Public Timeline
  3. Friends Timeline
  4. Show
  5. Update
  6. Destroy
  7. Replies

Direct Messages

  1. Sent To User
  2. Sent From User
  3. New Direct Message

References: Twitteriser Home Page

kick it on

Shout it

pimp it