Handling OK and Cancel button in af:dialog using popup in Oracle ADF by dialogListener

Requirement – We are displaying a popup message to user and on selecting on OK and CANCEl by user , writing custom code inside bean

Solution – You can have af:popup component in the page .Inside the popup , drag drop af:dialog component. You can call the pop up programmatic using my
another post of popup

For the dialog , you need to have some dialog listener. write it like

<af:dialog title="handling Ok and cancel event}"

The method of dialogListener1 can be written as below.Write inside a headerManage bean.

public void dialogListener1(DialogEvent dialogEvent)
    if (dialogEvent.getOutcome() == DialogEvent.Outcome.ok)
     // write your custom code for ok event
    } else
      // write your custom code for cancel event

Happy coding with techartifact….