Display UCM files in ADF/Webcenter application as images or link

Requirement- Display UCM images on the page or as link, so that user click of that image and can open in new window

Implementation – You can also have my previous videos to make connection between portal and content and other video Content Presenter in Webcenter Portal
or Content Integration Using Folder viewer in Webcenter Portal .

But if you really want to display your ucm image or show as link for your images or document then you follow below approach
Taking scenario if you don’t how many documents are there.then for that case use below approach

You can use af:image or af:goLink component to put the below url as source or destination


#{WCAppContext.applicationURL} = This will return the url with full context till port number = abc.com/7001/yourPortal

contentserver- is connection name to the UCM.

content id = is the content id of the document.

Displaying as link


Final output would be like below


Happy Learning by Vinay in techartifact….

generate the secure files in weblogic in Webcenter Spaces Applicaton

For security purposes, administrator user name and password details are stored in secure files.Obtain the location of these secure files from your systems administrator or generate the secure files in weblogic.
How to do that. lets find it out.

I am working on portal and spaces application.For deploying spaces application in console ,i need a secure file.Following are the steps to generate.

1. Navigate to: ORACLE_HOME/common/bin in command prompt using CD command.

2. Enter the command:
wlst.sh – for unix.
wlst.cmd – for windows.

3. At the WLST command prompt, connect to the Administration Server for Oracle WebCenter:

connect(‘‘,’‘, ‘:‘) Where admin_user is the user name of the administrator, admin_pwd is the administrator’s password, host is the WebCenter instance, and port is the Administration Server port. This is used for connecting with weblogic using command prompt. i.e

connect(‘weblogic ‘,’welcome1’, ‘’)

4. Run the following command to create a user configuration file and key file in a specified location:

storeUserConfig(‘‘, ‘) Where userConfigFile is the name and location of the file storing user details and userKeyFile is the name and location of the file storing passwords.

For example: storeUserConfig(‘C:/myFiles/myuserconfigfile.secure’, ‘C:/myFiles/myuserkeyfile.secure’)

you can map the entry of these files in config.properties in spaces application to deploy shared library like below


Thats it. You can find the secure files in specified path.

Happy coding with Vinay in Techartifact…..