Fixed for error – Oracle not available Shared memory realm doesnot exist

Requirement- While installing Webcenter ,every time i start linux image , i got this weird error.

I already updated ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME in listener.ora
Now what.If you are not a dba, this error can give you trouble for while.

Solution- Go to Oracle_home/product/11.1.2/dbhome_1/bin
-> type ./sqlplus
-> In user write as conn / as sysdba
-> password – enter password for sys.
-> then type these command

startup nomount;
it will show following message

It shows the message

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 113246208 bytes

Fixed Size 787708 bytes

Variable Size 61864708 bytes

Database Buffers 50331648 bytes

Redo Buffers 262144 bytes

-> alter database mount;

-> alter database open;

happy installing with Vinay in techartifact…


I am an Oracle ACE in Oracle ADF/Webcenter. Sr Java Consultant-working on Java/J2EE/Oracle ADF/Webcenter Portal/ content and Hibernate for several years. I'm an active member of the OTN JDeveloper/Webcenter forum. Passionate about learning new technologies. I am here to share my knowledge. Give your views and suggestion on [email protected] .

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